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Jan 31

Thanks goes to Xgc in #mysql on freenode for showing me this little one-liner. We needed to add a unique key to one of our tables, and a duplicate was in our midst. Enter this handy one-liner:

SELECT field1, count(*) FROM tbl1 GROUP BY field1 HAVING count(*) > 1;

problem solved, a nice simple list of the duplicated rows in front of you.

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Jan 30

After using several of the web frameworks that are prevalant in the java world, I do believe I’ve finally found a virtual nirvana.  Here at Mystic, we’re doing lots of development with Wicket,  a java web application framework that “takes simplicity, separation of concerns and ease of development to a whole new level.”

So what does that mean to you and I?  Web application development without the need for the seemingly unnecessary XML config files that are like plagues in my WEB-INF directories.  So if you haven’t, download it today .. while the website may not be as fancy as Ruby on Rails, there are some very smart people behind the development of this framework.  Another plus, is that there isn’t any crazy evangelism happening, similar to what you’d get from DHH or HLS, or .. you ever notice how the most vocal use their 3-letter acronym for name?

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