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Mar 25

Something that just struck me as handy, was Growl notifications for certain steps in the ant build process. If you’re doing something else, its always nice to see “Build completed”. I could go into a long process on how to create an ant plugin, integrate it with Growls’ Java bindings, and have a very tightly integrated plugin. But I won’t. Just install growlnotify from the Growl dmg, and use ant’s exec command with “Mac OS X” as an attribute, so the Windows folks won’t get unhappy error messages.

Here’s the little snippet of ant code:

<exec executable="/usr/local/bin/growlnotify" os="Mac OS X" logError="true">
<arg line="-m 'Build has been completed'"/>

There seems to be a similar framework out there taking its inspiration from Growl, called Snarl.

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Feb 02

I will be preparing a full tutorial on building a simple but functional application using Wicket. Here are two applications which were built in a very short amount of time, with the very simple framework.

Pastebin is homage to the several applications built before it, and was built in a few hours time at most. It has the distinction of being the pastebin for irc.freenode.net's ##java, ##wicket, and ##swing!
Mystic Lounge is a file delivery system! Ok, its just a form giving you upload capability for larger files that you otherwise wouldn't be able to email.

We have a lot more projects in the works over here at Mystic, these are just some simple apps that we coded up to learn the internals of Wicket.

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Jan 31

After working on my machine for quite a bit today, I started getting crashes in certain programs, and I haven’t seen this pre-10.4.4. The following was seen in Console.app:

CGSResolveShmemReference : offset exceeds bounds

And it did so for several apps, Firefox, GLterm, iSync (wouldn’t even run). A simple logout and login seems to have fixed it. Nothing new as far as fixes from Software Update, so we’ll just see if this keeps up, grrr.

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