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Let us find tech solutions together

Nov 23

The trip to Sofia is underway in a week. On the docket is a Websockets discussion, and one about our favorite mobile device: iOS. We’ll mix some JavaScript, possibly others into the mix as well. Check out the details and my fancy new bio on the Java2Days website.

Time to find all of our cold-weather gear, grab a bottle of Rakia and Nutella, and warm by the fire before the flight.

See you in Bulgaria! На добър път!

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Jul 09

I’ve recently reignited and cleaned up my OmniFocus projects and tasks after reading a brilliant article about utilizing GTD contexts in a different way. Sven Fechner over at Simplicity Bliss discusses “A Fresh Take on Contexts”. Go ahead and read it, it makes a whole lotta sense. Our devices have made many of the contexts from GTD parlance unnecessary, as email and much of the office work can all be done in a café.

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Dec 20

Have you ever looked at the home screen on your smartphone, and wished that there was a different set of icons on that initial screen? You’re driving, so the Messages app, the Camera, Calculator, etc should all be relegated to another screen, hidden away from frisky fingers. Or you’re at home, so the Maps application isn’t going to be as important, but Spotify and Pandora might, and Safari, etc. Or you’ve decided to take a trip to a foreign land, and you need the translator, Yelp, Whatsapp, OffMaps, and any other number of apps that are more geared toward your out of country experience.

How would this be achieved?

One way could be, Bluetooth.

StickNFind is an indiegogo project with miniscule bluetooth location stickers that you can place all over the joint. So when your phone / iPad senses you going into the kitchen, it could swap around the icons so that all the cooking apps show up. Or if you move into the living room, all streaming apps get moved to the home screen. One sticker goes in the car, and your phone understands that you’re about to go for a drive, so the Messages app moves out, and safe driving apps move in.

Another way in addition to that, could be Siri.

"Siri, I'm going for a drive". "Okay batman, I'll change your homescreen for driving"

And yes, Siri calls me Batman.

All of the technology we have now, I want a few more lifestyle adjustments. To make this work seamlessly of course, it would require being a part of the OS. I’m not sure if Apple would ever do something like this, but if any jailbreakers are listening, I’d be happy to jailbreak the phone to get this tech.

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